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Saturday, July 27, 2013

I'm going down down down!

Got up on this chilly morning in July and is happy to say I am down 17 pounds! I am thrilled to see that this can be done eating healthy. The shakes and supplements worked very quickly last time and that was great but keeping myself in check and being somewhat normal feels very rewarding! I took Genna to Disney last week and to my suprise after all the fun we had and treats we had..didn't gain an ounce! I think all the miles we put on counter acted the treats! :-)  I was so afraid to step on the scale! is great! 55 degrees in July ..whoda thunk?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1 month check up

Good morning!

After a month of changing  my lifestyle and getting my mind straight, I went back to see my doctor last night and am happy to say my blood pressure was good  and I have lost 12 pounds. It's been difficult for me to watch the scale move so slow  because on the other diet it came off so fast. But I am feeling good and eager to keep moving! We did some medication changes so things can only get better and better. When my appointment was over Genna and I celebrated with a yummy salad bar!  Till next month.....peace out :-)

Friday, May 17, 2013

New start

Greetings all!

Haven't written in my blog in a very long time.  I have decided this blog keeps me in check with myself and keeps me honest to myself.  I have been in a slump for well over a year since my past weight loss journey.  The weight has creeped back on..not all but enough!  I had a re birth so to speak earlier this week that has me on the motivation train. I have avoided my doctor for well over a year ...ashamed at my failure and disappointment .  I made the  trip to the new clinic where he moved to. The easy way out would be to go to a new doctor that took his place but I decided to toughen up and face my demons and return to the one who helped me he first time.  Sitting in the office waiting room, sweating and anxious as ever..I was a wreck! Thank god for Genna lee there to tell her mom it was ok! :-)   So I finally get called nurse I have never met takes me back and f course my blood pressure was outrageous to which I told her I wasn't surprised due to my horrible anxiety of being there. She knows nothing about my past so of course she asks if they made me nervous. To which I exploded in tears and sobs that I hadn't seen Doctor since I put all this weight back on. The poor nurse was hugging me and handing me tissue  probably thinking I was a crazy nut case. I kept apologizing  and she was trying to console me with that confused look on her face.  So she leaves the room as I am still wiping my eyes and sobbing and the good doctor walks in a few minutes later with a big smile ..." I here your in here bawling because your so glad to see me" !  I cry more! lol he precedes to tell me I am very normal and he was glad to see me and glad I came back! Told me sometimes it takes a few tries to get where we need to be and that I wasn't the only one. Ok, made me feel better! I was now able to talk. :-). We made a plan that isn't really too much more that what I already knew what to do.  It took getting that off my shoulders and facing my demons and facing the doctor who i respect so much for helping guide me to a place where i felt so good a few years ago. I will go back in 4 weeks for a check up and hopefully some results and hopefully the blood pressure 
better! I am..just keep swimming on the long and winding road!  Peace Love and Happiness!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It has been too long..jumping back in!

Hello friends and readers!  It has been awhile and shame on me!

Time to get back on the road after a few months of bad luck and unhealthy choices and FUN!....  too much!  Back at Labor Day I had a tailbone injury and it basicaly halted my exersise. I swam a few times but even walking up our hill hurt like mad.  That along with not folllowing my plan and taking an awesome trip to Mexico at an all inclusive resort( drinks, more drinks and more drinks and food food food AND Desserts up the wazoooo AND Thanksgiving, I am feeling quite stuffy and fluffy!   Time for this girl to get back on the wagon!  Yesterday I began my rabbit food diet and suprisingly it went very well! Today , day 2 has been going well also.  I know the Holidays are going to be tuff, that being goal is to stay on the straight and narrow up until Christmas so I can have a little fun with some treats and cocktails. So my Christmas colors are infact Green and Red! Lettuce and Tomatoes my friends!  SO that being said, to all my friends, bare with me if I do not go out to dinner with you  or meet for is time for this girl to  work on herself again. How easy it is to fall off the path and actually feel it..OH I feel it alright!  I am no where close to where I was a year ago and I never want to go back to that EVER! but I would like to feel good like I did in June, July and August! The clothes still fit, just a bit snug! So here we go folks!  onward!

Thank you for your support and reading !

All my love, K

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 month post diet update!

Well ..I haven't posted in a long time..time to write. Doing the blog keeps me in check with myself and sharing with you all somehow keeps me in check also!:-) so thank you for taking the time to read!

On June 15th I met with the dietician for a maintenance plan. My total weight loss was 78 pounds and my goal was to maintain and hopefully lose another 15 pounds or so. So I met with Becky and she told me 2200 calories to maintain without exercise. That is really a lot of calories. I struggled at first and went up and down and decided maybe 2200 was too many and should stick to 1500 to 1800. That seemed to work much better along with exercise . I truly believe exercise is key to any type of weight loss. I had my days of splurges here and there...getting the GiGis cupcakes off my bucket list was a biggie. That place is killer and with each cupcake at 750 calories each...doesn't leave much for the rest of the day .but I did manage to try a few different cupcakes and get that out of my system....funny thing is before I went on this diet, I never seemed to care much for cakes and cupcakes. NOW I feel obsessed over-this darn store. I took a night out and had several drinks and shots;-) ( thanks mike and Darcie ) after that weekend I Freaked out because I gained 4 pounds! I quickly got back to the grind And got the 4 pounds off again..must have been a Lot of water and sodium my body hadn't seen in a long time. It was fun to let lose and live a little although. I really learned though that this is a TOTAL lifestyle change and that any disruption will totally change the results.
So for the past almost 2 months I have been living a pretty normal diet. Like I had mentioned..trying a few flavors of cupCakes, going out to dinner..ect ect. Just 2 weeks ago I totally got offtrack as we took a tripTo North Carolina and we ate out everyday and I did no exercise at day I did runaround the block 2 times, but almost died in the humidity And heat of NC...I decided that I wasn't going to count calories and just have a vacation frOm everything! ..well...BIG MISTAKE! I was in denial from stepping on the scale when i returned home , I just knew I blew it..but then I just hopped on and my intuition was right.. I gained 6 pounds! :-( so I am defiantly back to the grind this week ...sweating my butt of in this heat to get back to where I was at least! On Sunday I took off on my 5 mile path and got about half way through and had to call Gerry to come get me. I didn't realize the heat index was over 100 and I had left with no water. Not smart! I certainly wasn't feeling so good! But anyway, so far so good and the scale is moving back down to the right direction. With my trip to MexIco coming up i November, this scares me At how quickly you can go backwards. I will have to starve for a month afterwards!:-)
Just a side note about our vacation. We had a wonderful time visiting with Josh and Deanna and Reagan in NC. On our way home, we stopped in Pigeon Forge..where Dollywood is. We didn't get to go to Dollywood as we were just passing through. We did manage to see a country show in the evening called country tonite which was pretty neat.Genna met a little cutie in the show that could sing like no other. His mom asked if she could take gennas picture with Skyler for his fan page on facebook. She is on there so if your bored check out Skyler McAllister fan page on facebook. Pigeon forge is like a Dells x 20. Tons todo I want to go back someday. I don't think Gerry feels the same. :-p maybe girls trip in store.

So in closing... I am back to my low calorie days and 5 mile walks! Just another speed bump..but we are back on track!

Hope you all are enjoying what is left of the summer....I sure am! Stay cool!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3 weeks into transition and all is great!

Went to see the good doctor yesterday for a midway transition appointment. It was predicted that I would gain 3 pounds back with the introduction of all the foods I have been eating. I was pretty bummed at the thought of gaining no matter what so i hid my scale so i could be in denial.hehehe! When i went to my appointment to my surprise, I lost 1 pound instead of gaining 3 ! Happy happy happy about that. He asked if i was exercising which I do faithfully and he said it Showed with the loss of a pound and now I would start losing again. So all good news there. I see the dietician next Wednesday to set up a long term goal to maintain / lose a few more pounds. I am so excited to have some flexibility with diet. Today I am eating lean meats and salads, fruits( bananas, apples and berries mostly). I totally love the light and fit yogurts. They are only 80 calories and very good. Toasted coconut vanilla is my favorite. I started yesterday on breads and fats so a peanut butter bagel thin was a big big treat! I feel pretty comfortable with the transition so there may be a day I might just have a lean cuisine for something different. I am expecting a 1500 to 1800 calorie diet so I think I know what to do. I watched some guy on Rachel Ray yesterday talking about keeping your diet limited to 15 grams of sugar a day and 6 servings of carbs a day for weight loss. I may look into something like that but everything has sugar so this could be hard!

On a sad note, I went 3 weeks without my blood pressure meds. When I was on the lowest dose my pressure was too low but off the meds, the pressure did creep back up..not horrible but enough to make the decision to go back on them! I am pretty bummed about this because it was one of my proudest moments to get rid of those! I knew it was possible although that I may have to go back on them. I have taken them for over 22 years and it is very hereditary in my family. Not the worst but just a bummer!

So my new thing is searching the Internet for ideas for a low calorie diet plan. I am sure the dietician will help with that also but it is kind of fun to look for ideas! If you have any cool recipes or ideas..please share!

Summer is here guys! Yaaaaay! Bring on the heat! LOL the air is on!

Thanks for reading ! <3 <3

~ K

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So what a day today was. WOW!  I was full of anxiety all day long anticipating my doctor appointment.  I am nearing the end of this wonderful diet and was just a ball of nerves knowing that today could be the day I start my transition to "real " real food.  I say real food because since January 11th..the day I started this little journey, I have eaten only what was on the the plan and a small amount of salad a few times a week.  I have lived on protien shakes, soups, pretzels,oatmeals, pancakes and some pastas that are very small and have something in them to resemble beef. I have had protien bars that are actually VERY GOOD! They are like a candy bar for me! :-) way to cure the sweet tooth. There were other  different food items I was able to order but these were the main ones I have lived off of!  The "transition" , something I have been dreaming about is basically  adding a new food each week for 6 weeks and then after the 6 weeks, I meet with a dietician to make a plan for a healthy and calorie suitable diet for maitinence and continued good health. NOw although I have been dreaming of that day as the first food introduced back is MEAT! ahhh a grilled chicken breast..even a lean burger , maybe some shrimp? oh boy.....well that day has indeed arrived TODAY!!!!!!   I am a nervous wreck to stop doing what I have been doing. It has worked and I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK.  I am nervous about not feeling so good after eating food . I dont know...just nervous..this has become a part of my life now for just 41/2 months.


This Brings my total weight loss to a wopping 77.5 pounds!  UNREAL is all I can say!  I am just so happy and feel sooooo good! Today this feels like it all went by so fast. I KNOW that it didnt seem fast as I was going through it!  I still have work to do as I go through transition. Exersise is key. That being said, the back is pretty much back to good and I can go back to the treadmill and all the other things I was doing before. I did get some exersises for the back he said I just need to do everyday!

So what can I expect during transition? Well for one I will probably gain a few pounds while re introducing food.  These pounds are the water pounds you lose in the beginning so quickly. basically the body is re- hydrating even though it gets over 100 ounces of water today. yes, i do  drink that much!  It is habit for me now and I just have to have it with me all the time! But after that I can expect to lose around 6 more pounds he thought through out the 6 weeks.  I am not gonna quit and maintain tho.. I want to keep going and stick to a low cal diet and maybe shed a bit more..believe me..there is more to go! So I am guessing it will be a 1500 calorie diet for me after the 6 weeks!  I googled a 1500 menu plan for a healthy 1500 calorie diet and it looked to be a feast compared to what I have been eating!  I am excited!

So today the news was good that this journey is coming to a close so to speak..the ruff stuff is over anyway!



So today was pretty darn good ! Life is good! and to honestly think what 77.5 pounds felt like is just crazy to me....just think what might weigh that much ?  so next goal ? hmmmmm 100 might be pushing it...but maybe 90 ? I will keep you all posted for sure!  Thank you all for your support wether you are a blog follower or my dearest facebook friends! You have no idea the help you have been with all your cheers and well wishes for my success! I truly believe this blog has helped me through! So THANK YOU ALL!!! FROM THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART! XOXOXO